The Uncommon OT Series
Where I feature the unique careers of Occupational Therapy practitioners applying their OT lens in role-emerging and non-traditional practice areas ….settings where OT is uncommon.
Highlighting unique careers of Occupational Therapy practitioners is a fantastic way to showcase the versatility of our profession.
Here are some intriguing examples:
Amber Edwards, MS, OTR/L, RKC: OT in Fitness & Kettlebell Training
In this episode, we will learn from Amber Edwards, OTR/L, RKC (she/her) an occupational therapist who specializes in Fitness & Kettlebell Training. Amber graduated from Ithaca College from the BS/MS Occupational Therapy program in 2018 and 2019, respectively. Currently, she is a Travel Occupational Therapist in NYC working with the geriatric population in SNFs. In addition to being an OT, Amber is also passionate about fitness. At Ithaca College, Amber was a 2x All-American hurdler and captain on the Women’s Track and Field team and currently enjoys strength training with kettlebells as a Certified Russian Kettlebell Coach (RKC) and Dynamic Sports Performance Certified Coach (DSPCC). Amber is also a podcaster as she created her own podcast in 2020 called “Reaching your pOTential”. The initial mission of the podcast was to present her individual experiences as a new grad OT, but has transitioned now to empower and highlight other people of color (POC) in OT and beyond. Overall, the vision of the podcast is to engage and inspire all OTPs and others to reach their fullest potential in life.
Show Key Points:
• Amber tells us about her background and favorite occupations
• She describes what inspired her to do this work and her path
• She describes her uncommon OT work and whom she serves
• She provides OT practitioners with valuable career advice
• She provides direction, resources and his contact information
Turkish Get Up Manual:
Training Consultation:
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
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Happy Listening Friends!
Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
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Cheryl Albright, OTR/L, C-IAYT: OT in Yoga Therapy
In this episode, we will learn from Cheryl Albright, OTR/L an occupational therapist who specializes in Yoga Therapy. Cheryl grew up with an older brother with autism and an aunt with down syndrome. She began working with the disability community when she was 14 at Rotary Camp Onsewaya. She is a graduate of East Carolina University and has been an occupational therapist for 20 years. She began using yoga in clinical practice 13 years ago when she discovered Yoga for the Special Child ®. She is her brother’s legal guardian and advocate. Cheryl currently resides in Bradenton Florida and owns a yoga-based private practice, Soul To Soul Yoga.
Show Key Points:
· Cheryl tells us about her background and favorite occupations
· She describes what inspired her to do this work
· She describes her uncommon OT work and the individuals she serves
· She describes a typical day in her non-traditional setting
· She provides OT practitioners with valuable career advice
· She provides direction, resources, and contact information
RESOURCES: (where I was trained)
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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For Non-Traditional OT Practice Mentorship w/ Patricia:
BIG THANKS to our sponsor Picmonic. Follow the link below and USE DISCOUNT CODE “TransitionsOT” to Score 20% OFF Your PICMONIC Membership today!
Happy Listening Friends!
Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
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Hannah Pugh, OTR/L: OT in Digital Health
In this episode, we will learn from Hannah Pugh, OTR/L an occupational therapist who specializes in Digital Health. Hannah has been a practicing occupational therapist for 5 years. She studied kinesiology at Michigan State University and then received her Master of Occupational Therapy from the University of Pittsburgh. She has traditional OT experience working in an outpatient setting, acute, and inpatient care but through that time she realized she was interested in helping people through a different lens. Early in her career, she realized she could have a greater impact on people's lives by leveraging technology to reach more people. She took a course in UX design and now works as the Head of Clinical Experience at Reactiv, a health tech startup that uses augmented reality to treat people with joint pain.
Show Key Points:
• Hannah tells us about her background and her path to her Uncommon OT work
• She describes what inspired her to do this work
• She provides OT practitioners with valuable career advice
• She provides direction, resources and his contact information
Here is the course I took through General Assembly:
An article I wrote on the comparison between OT and UX:
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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For Non-Traditional OT Practice Mentorship w/ Patricia:
Follow the link below and USE DISCOUNT CODE “TransitionsOT” to Score 20% OFF Your PICMONIC Membership today!
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Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
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OT Mental Health Task Force
In this episode, we will learn from some of the founders and members of the Mental Health Task Force (MHTF). Anne Hiller Scott, OTR/L, PhD, FAOTA, Joan Feder MA, OTR/L, Diane Tewfik, MA, OT (Retired), Mabel Martinez-Almonte, OTR/L. The MHTF is a NYSOTA (New York State Occupational Therapy Association) community of practice that identifies, promotes, and supports occupational therapy practitioners in addressing the psychosocial aspects of occupational engagement in all practice settings through education, advocacy, and community.
Show Key Points:
• Members and founders briefly introduce themselves and tell us about their backgrounds and OT work
• The discuss their motivation to do the Podcast and the MHTF beginnings and summary of its history and goals
• They describe their Uncommon OT roles, projects and initiatives
• They describe some of MHTF’s recent highs and lows
• They provide OT practitioners with valuable career advice
• They provide us with resources, community and contact information
Anne Hiller Scott, OTR/L, PhD, FAOTA
In 1969 Dr. Scott began her career at St. Vincent’s during the community mental health movement. With the local NYSOTA MH Task Force (MHTF), she led initiatives in continuing education, resource development and publications on evaluation, practice, supervision, quality assurance and wellness. This pioneering service and advocacy were recognized with honors: FAOTA, NYSOTA Practice Award and the Abreu Award. An OTMH issue “New Frontiers in Psychosocial Occupational Therapy” which she edited, showcased innovations by MHTF members, therapists’ nationwide and included consumer and OTS perspectives. After teaching at Downstate for fifteen years, she launched the LIU OT Program in 1997 with a mission emphasizing wellness, health promotion and community service learning.
Diane Tewfik, MA, OT (Retired)
As one of the founding members of the MHOT Taskforce, Diane has had a career In Mental Health OT for over 30 years. Her practice has included outpatient programs, addiction, private practice as well as adult rehabilitation. She was also Associate Professor and Field Coordinator at York College of CUNY's OT Program. She received NYSOTA's Merit of Practice Award in 1997 and AOTA's Recognition of Achievement in 2003 for Preserving Occupational Therapy's Role in Mental Health.
Joan Feder MA, OTR/L
Joan has dedicated her 40 year career to peer-centered treatment, working in a wide range of settings from acute psychiatric in-patient settings to outpatient psychosocial rehabilitation programs. She received an advanced mental health OT degree from NYU and worked in designing and implementing programming at New York-Presbyterian Hospital –Cornell Medical Center. She had the unique opportunity of designing outpatient services for the SPMI population while overseeing a multidisciplinary team. Her programs were driven by the Recovery Model, with a focus on fostering function and independence, while responding to the ever-changing demands of external regulators. She collaborated over the years on CBT for Psychosis research and lectured at multiple OT schools in NY. She has published in AOTA SIS journals and has a chapter in APA – Textbook of Hospital Psychiatry. Most importantly she was one of the founders of the MNYD mental health task force and has played a key role in the group, over the last 26 years, while benefiting from the amazing professional support provided by all its members.
Mabel Martinez-Almonte, OTR/L
Mabel is a graduate from SUNY Downstate College of Health Related Professions, from the class of 1992. She has worked in mental health for 25 years, on the inpatient psychiatric unit NS-52 in which she supervised Occupational Therapy (OT) students for the past 21 years. She was nominated by her students for the "Supervisor of the Year" in 2000, 2007, 2010, and in 2009 was the recipient of this prestigious award. In addition, she was actively involved with educating the staff in the inpatient psychiatry unit (NS-52), on treatment modalities to decrease restraint and seclusion. She has served as an adjunct professor for the SUNY Downstate CHRP OT program since 1994. These experiences served as a springboard for other teaching opportunities. This spearheaded the initiative to give back to SUNY Downstate and work with professors who served as mentors in her profession as an Occupational Therapist, including getting involved with community service in the mental health arena. Since 1999, she has served in various capacities with NAMI East Flatbush (an affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness) consumer and family support group held monthly at SUNY Downstate. She continued to do community service in a broad spectrum, which included conducting lectures and conference presentations to students at various schools (i.e., Long Island University, Columbia University, and Public School 274), and participated as a panelist for mental health Special Interest Group, and co-presented with psychiatry residents from DMC department of psychiatry at the Institute on Psychiatric Services in 2010 on the topic: "Discuss updates working with patients affected by mental illness at SUNY Downstate Medical Center and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) towards mental health consumer empowerment and advocacy and the Metabolic Syndrome Screening Booth at the yearly NAMI Walks event." She has also worked closely with CHRP Occupational Therapy Program and the Department of Psychiatry to organize a yearly NAMI Walk event from 2008-2018, which included the involvement of SUNY Downstate trainees: occupational therapy and medical students, along with psychiatry residents; together with NAMI East Flatbush chapter members and their families, to set up a walk team (SUNY Downstate at NAMI East Flatbush) and provide a Metabolic Syndrome Screening Booth. She has co-presented the work that she does with NAMI and the yearly NAMI Walk events at the Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. She is an active Advisory Board Member since 2006, for the State University of New York/Health Science Center of Brooklyn - College of Health Related Professions -Occupational Therapy Program, now renamed State University of New York - School of Health Professions (SOHP). Mabel went on to complete graduate studies at Nyack Alliance Graduate School of Counseling and graduated with a master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling. She is currently employed at the Special Treatment and Research (STAR) Health Center at SUNY Downstate Medical Center as a mental health counselor since December 2014. She currently provides both individual and group mental health, substance abuse, and supportive counseling for patients receiving care at the STAR Health Center. Her love for educating the community at large on mental health literacy has taken her to pursue training and certification in Mental Health First Aid for adults, youth curriculums since 2012. She has continued to enrich her love for knowledge and service and became certified as a National Certified Counselor and an Evergreen Certified Dementia Care Specialist (ECDCS).
Social Profile by Mary Donohue, AOTA Press
OT’s Walk with Nami (Initiative and Protocol)
Let’s Get Organized Assessment
Sensory Modulation for pediatric inpatient
Suzanne White, MA, OTR/L, FAOTA
Photography for those with mental illness- Joan Feder, MA, OTR/L
Article Testimony: Advocacy in Action. OT Practice, Nov 8,2004 by Diane B. Tewfik, MA, OT and Richard Sabel, MA, MPH, OTR, GCFP -2-
Article published in September, 2022 issue in OT Practice: Highlighting OT’s Role in Mental Health , An Innovative Fieldwork Program for Community- Based Mental Health by Diane B. Tewfik, MA, OT and Anne Hiller Scott, OTR/L, PhD, FAOTA
Dream Home Assessment (free download) by Emily Raphael-Greenfield
Bucket Drumming Group Article -Hard –Wired for Groups: Students and Clients in the Classroom and Clinic-Mental Health special Interest Section Quarterly, Volume 34, No. 3, September 2011.
SMART program (Supporting Many to Achieve Residential Transition, Gutman, S.A. and Raphael-Greenfield EI(2018).
Scott, A., (Ed.) (1998). New Frontiers in Psychosocial Occupational Therapy (Ed). Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.
Scott, A. (1999). Wellness works: Community service health promotion groups led by occupational therapy students. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, (53) 6, 566-574.
Salem, Y., & Scott, A. (2011). A community-based aquatic program for individuals with systemic lupus erythematous: A community-based study. Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy,19:30-31. DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2010.507855
Salem, Y., Scott, A., Karpatkin, H., Concert, G., Haller, L., Kaminsky, E., Weisbrot, R, & Spatz, E. (2011). Community-based group aquatic program for individuals with multiple sclerosis: A pilot study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 33:720-728. DOI: 10.3109/09638288.2010.507855
Scott, A., Scott, R., & Cole, M. (2016). Narrative reasoning in disability-themed films (pp. 117-143). In M. Cole & J. Creek (Eds.), Global Perspectives in Professional Reasoning. Thorofare, NJ: Slack.
Scott, A., Scott, R., & Cole, M. (2018/4/19-22). From reel to real: Illness narratives in disability-themed films. [Poster Presentation]. AOTA Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Brooklyn International Disability Film Festival and Wellness Expo › superwoman
Jul 22, 2005 — Brooke Ellison, who at age 11 was hit by a car and left paralyzed ... The free screening is part of the Brooklyn International Disability Film Festival…
How to Contact The MHTF:
Mental Health Taskforce Listserv:
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests’ own.
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Whitney Pendergrass, COTA/L: OTP in Academic Support
In this episode, we will learn from Whitney Pendergrass, COTA/L. Whitney is a certified occupational therapy assistant whose role is titled, Clinical Education Assistant for The School of Occupational Therapy at Belmont University. Her job is to assist the fieldwork educators in the OTD and MSOT programs with all things fieldwork related. This role also includes creating more fieldwork placement options for when the OTD program increases to a cohort of 60 students because an increase in students means an increased need for fieldwork placement options.
Show Key Points:
• Whitney gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• She describes her Uncommon OT role and her path
• She talks about what inspired her to contribute to the Uncommon OT Series Podcast
• She explains how her role and skill set benefits others
• She provides OT practitioners with valuable career advice
• She provides resources and her contact information
Belmont University
I would like to give a formal shout-out to my friend Cindy and list her official title for recognition.
Cindy Hickman OTD, OTR/L, SIPT, CLT, LANA OTD Fieldwork Coordinator for The School Of Occupational Therapy at Belmont University
All the forward-thinkers and amazing program directors from Belmont as well as Nashville State Community college (where I went to school) so they can all be recognized for their awesomeness!
- Camille Turner, MSOT, OTR/L
MSOT Fieldwork Coordinator at Belmont University
- Allison Koch, EdD, OTD, OTR/L
MSOT Program Director at Belmont University
- Tamara Lemmonds, EdD, MSOT, OTR/L
OTD Program Director, Department Chair at Belmont University
Nashville State Community College OTA Program
- Piper Sesnan, OTD, OTR
OTA Program Director at Nashville State Community College
- Donna Whitehouse, MHA, OTR
Interim Dean of Healthcare Professions at Nashville State Community College
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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For Non-Traditional OT Practice Mentorship w/ Patricia:
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Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests’ own.
Be a Patron to support The Uncommon OT Series Podcast project via Patreon.
Patricia Motus, OTR/L, RYT: My Uncommon OT Year in Review (2022)
In this episode, you will learn about My Uncommon OT Year. I take a month-to-month account and highlight all of the non-traditional OT opportunities & collaborations I’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of in 2022. What a year! MANY THANKS to EACH of YOU for YOUR LOVE & SUPPORT throughout the year.
Great start to the year!
I had the privilege of releasing my inspiring conversation with Amy Lamb, enough said!
Amy J. Lamb, OTD, OT/L, FAOTA: OT in Executing Coaching — Wholistic Transitions
Started my virtual individual and group mentorship program.
I had to honor of being interviewed by my friend Sara Zera, OTR/L, OTD the host of @moxieotpodcast
Moxie OT Podcast (@moxieotpodcast) • Instagram photos and ... › moxieotpodcast
I had to honor of being interviewed by my friend Sara Lyon, OTR/L the host of The OT Potential Podcast
IG: @otpotential
#27: Mindfulness, Chronic Pain, and OT with Patricia Motus | OT Potential Podcast | Occupational Therapy CEUs | Podcasts on Audible |
WAS HUGE, to say the least!!!
First, I was invited to speak at the 2022 AOTA Conference in San Antonio, Tx on a Panel on Nurturing Resilience
Speakers | AOTA INSPIRE 2023
I loved being amongst my people at the conference IG: @kateburke @amplifyot
I was awarded COTAD’s 20220 Excellence in Mentorship award
COTAD National
I was a speaker at the OT Entrepreneurs of Color Online Conference hosted by the lovely
Patrice Maynard OTR/L IG: @tricem_96
June & July
Invited to speak with various SOTAs and COTAD chapters across the country
I celebrated my 1 year podcast anniversary and Interviewed OT rockstars like Arameh Anvarizadeh, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA @drArameh
Arameh Anvarizadeh, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA: OT in Grassroot Organization — Wholistic Transitions
Named Therapist Beyond Borders Ambassador
Home - Therapists Beyond Borders
Invited to speak with various SOTAs
Exploring a variety of Non-Traditional Job Openings in Los Angeles
Great News!! I accepted a full-time position in a non-traditional community-based setting. Super excited to share this journey with you this new year. Woot Woot!! Take a Sneak Peak at this fantastic new facility where OT Services will be offered.
Ending the Year with a Bang!
Named @otpotential podcast’s Top 5 most listened to episodes in 2022!
Joined the Exodus Recovery team. Onboarding and training began for my new non-traditional OT gig!
Thanks for being an important part of my non-traditional 2022, on to my new and exciting uncommon OT role in 2023!
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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For Non-Traditional OT Practice Mentorship w/ Patricia:
Happy Listening Friends!
Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests’ own.
Be a Patron to support The Uncommon OT Series Podcast project via Patreon.
Mark Koch, OTD, OTR/L: OT in VIctim & Survivor Advocacy
In this episode, we will learn about Mark Koch, OTD, OTR/L an occupational therapist and educator whose areas of interest include community-based practice, trauma-informed care, occupational in/justice, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. He received his Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy from the University of Missouri and his post-professional Occupational Therapy Doctorate from Saint Louis University. Prior to his appointment at Cedar Crest College, Dr. Koch was a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Arkansas/University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. As an OT educator and scholar, Mark is interested in understanding how relational approaches to teaching and learning can optimize learner inclusion, participation, and socialization in the profession.
Show Key Points:
• Mark gives us a glimpse of his background and interests
• He describes his Uncommon OT work and his path
• He describes what inspired him to do this work
• He explains how his services benefit others
• He provides OT practitioners with valuable career advice
• He provides resources and his contact information
Wood, W. (2011). Navigating the shifting sands of occupational therapy: Lessons from wise wayfinders. New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 58 (1), 14-20.
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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For Non-Traditional OT Practice Mentorship w/ Patricia:
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Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
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Tarsha Long, BSC, OT: OT in Soft Tissue & Myofascial Release
In this episode, we will learn about an occupational therapy practitioner who specializes in soft tissue & myofascial release in her rural OT practice. Tarsha Long, BSC, OT is a country girl from the bottom southwest of Western Australia, a beautiful Coastal town called Bremer Bay. She spent half of her life as a townie and the other half on the family farm, where she learned the beauty in hard work. She had a life-changing accident at 12 years old, which left her in the hospital for 6 months and using a wheelchair for another 6 months. This experience taught Tarsha the art of resilience, perseverance, and how to think outside the box (incoming OT in the making). Tarsha used a gardening chair as a chair to shower independently, she had to re-learn how to climb stairs, and sit to stand independently. Over time, recovered and is now fully functional. She began her studies as an OT at Edith Cowan University in Western Australia. She continued professional development with a two-day course in Soft Tissue and O and then proceeded to do her postgraduate work in Soft Tissue OT. Then, the birth of The OT Place happened, her private practice. Tarsha has a passion for helping people manage the symptoms as well as empowering and educating them to look after their bodies to manage it on their own and prevent future injuries or flare-ups via taking a holistic approach to her OT practice. Over the course of the last three years, Tarsha has completed more training in breath work, mobility, lymphatics, and the toxic load placed on the body. Her business has heavily expanded into the athletic and CrossFit space in Australia. She works at CrossFit competitions throughout Perth, and during the winter, works with sporting teams and alongside teachers and office workers as well.
Show Key Points:
• Tarsha gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• She describes her Uncommon OT work and whom she serves and where
• She describes what inspired her to do this work and her path to entrepreneurship
• She explains her rare service in rural Australia and how it benefits others
• She provides OT practitioners with valuable career advice
• She provides resources and her contact information
Instagram @theotplace and @tarshajay (the unorthodox OT)
Email is
*Ask to join the National Soft Tissue Interest group on Facebook! we hold meeting every 2 months.
My website has my “Soft Tissue Mastery” course details and heaps of information on it
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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For Non-Traditional OT Practice Mentorship w/ Patricia:
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Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
Be a Patron to support The Uncommon OT Series Podcast project via Patreon.
Amanda Lynn Piepgras, COTA: OTP in Adaptive Martial Arts
In this episode, we will learn about an occupational therapy practitioner who utilizes adaptive martial arts in her OT practice. Amanda Lynn Piepgras, COTA is a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant since 2002 who moved to San Diego from New York in 2015. She has been working with children with special needs since 1999, beginning her career as a teacher assistant at the preschool her sister attended as a child with Spina Bifida. It has been her dream for years to combine her love of martial arts with her passion of working with children with special needs, whether it’s Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, learning disabilities, hearing/vision deficits, etc. She has studied karate, Muay Thai, and Jiu-Jitsu since 2006 and has competed in kickboxing and grappling on an amateur level. Coaching is her passion and Amanda believes martial arts has many benefits for all children, particularly children who have difficulties with sensory processing, maintaining attention span, focusing on tasks, impulse control, body awareness, and low muscle strength. Amanda has also taught adaptive martial arts and self-defense at South East Consortium for Special Services, Inc., We Rock the Spectrum, Gigi’s Playhouse, The Challenge Center and various martial arts gyms around San Diego.
Show Key Points:
• Amanda gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• She describes her Uncommon OT work and whom she serves
• She describes what inspired her to do this work and her path to entrepreneurship
• She explains her service and how it can benefit others
• She provides OT practitioners with valuable career advice
• She provides resources and her contact information
Amanda's Adaptive Martial Arts Methods: A course for anyone who wants to start their own adaptive martial arts class.
IG: @amandas.adaptive.martial.arts
Facebook: Amanda’s Adaptive Martial Arts
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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For Non-Traditional OT Practice Mentorship w/ Patricia:
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Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
Be a Patron to support The Uncommon OT Series Podcast project via Patreon.
Quiara Smith, MOT, OTR/L: OT in Pediatric Pelvic Health
In this episode, we will learn about an occupational therapist who specializes in pediatric pelvic health. Quiara Smith, MOT, OTR/L has been a practicing Occupational Therapist for over 11 years in both California and in Hawaii. She has worked in various settings including hospitals, schools, an equine center providing hippotherapy as a treatment tool, and outpatient clinics. Her pediatric experience encompasses serving infants, toddlers, children, and adolescents with various medical conditions and diagnoses. Realizing the social, emotional, and psychological challenges that pelvic floor dysfunction places on children and families, Quiara decided to niche down her private practice to exclusively treating children and adolescents with pelvic floor dysfunction and toileting challenges. Quiara utilizes a holistic and integrative approach to pediatric pelvic floor dysfunction. She partners with her canine assistant, Nelly, a Labrador/golden retriever cross, in guiding children toward continence with confidence.
Show Key Points:
• Quiara gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• She describes her Uncommon OT work and whom she serves
• She describes what inspired her to do this work and her path to entrepreneurship
• She explains how she charges for her services
• She provides OT practitioners valuable career advice
• She provides pediatric pelvic health resources and her contact information
IG @alohaintegrativetherapy
Facebook Business Page: Aloha Integrative Therapy
Facebook Group (free group): Pediatric Pelvic Health Occupational Therapists
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
Sign Up NOW for the Transitions OT Email List to Receive the FREE
Updated List of Uncommon OT Practice Settings
For Non-Traditional OT Practice Mentorship w/ Patricia:
Happy Listening Friends!
Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
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Nicole Raftis, OT (Reg): OT in Equine Movement & Animal Assisted Therapy
In this episode, we will learn about an occupational therapist who utilizes equine movement & animal-assisted therapy in her OT practice. Nicole Raftis, Registered Occupational Therapist, Manager for the Pathways Ponies Occupational Therapy program, ( graduated from Queen’s University’s School of Rehabilitation Science’s Occupational Therapy Program and is a Registered OT in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. For the first 3 years of practice Nicole traveled and worked as an OT in 7 locations throughout the U.S.A and provided volunteer OT services in Guyana, Nepal, Thailand and India, taking in knowledge about the wide variety of roles OT’s play in various settings as well as culturally sensitive and environmentally appropriate ways to support clients. Upon her return to Canada, Nicole has spent the majority of her 27 years of practice in pediatrics, initially working at Vancouver’s Sunny Hill Health Center for Childern, on their Brain injury program, Autism Assessment Team and their Substance exposure team. Family brought Nicole to Ottawa where she provided school care services for a few years before taking her dream job at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, on the child and adolescent mental health units, gaining experience with psychotherapy and mental health practice. It was during her time in Ottawa that she got to experience the magic of pet therapy for the first time, helping to facilitate the sessions for kids experiencing significant emotional, sensory and behavior dysregulation.
Aging parents inspired another move to Guelph, ON where Nicole has been working in private practice for the last 12 years. She continues to support children and teens to reach their full potential at home and school. The pandemic presented a unique opportunity for Nicole to become involved with a physical therapist who uses Equine movement and pet therapy to assist clients to reach their goals. Nicole was invited to develop an Occupational Therapy program at the barn and she has been thrilled to be a part of this initiative, integrating her mental health, sensory, motor and pet therapy experience to create a very holistic therapy program in a beautiful outdoor setting. Nicole has recently completed her American Hippotherapy Association Level 1 course and feels this latest adventure is a testament to the excitement and versatility that has been available over a 27-year career in Occupational Therapy.
Nicole also mentors a number of younger OTs and supervises students from McMaster University. Her desire to share information and resources has led her to partner with other OTs in Guelph to create TREEO Occupational Therapy, an online library of courses and resources meant to support parents, teachers and OT’s looking for pediatric resources. Their online platform launched in 2021 with their first course titled “Pandemic Parenting: Meaningful Tools for Health & Hope”. Their courses can be found at
My sincere apologies to my Canadian friends for my poor pronunciation of your provinces!
Show Key Points:
• Nicole gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• She describes her Uncommon OT work and whom she serves
• She describes what inspired her to do this work and her path to entrepreneurship
• She explains her holistic service and how it can benefit children
• She provides OT practitioners an example of a typical session
• She provides resources and her contact information
IG @nicoleraftis.ot
Check out my website
Mims,D. & Waddell, R. (2016) Animal Assisted Therapy and Trauma Survivors. Evid Inf Soc Work. Sept-Oct 2016 13 (5). Young, C. & Horton, J. (2019). Canine and Equine Therapy for Mental Health: A Review of Clinical Effectiveness. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Agency for Drug & Technologies in Health 2019 August.
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
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Capt. Andrew Antonio, OTR/L, CHT & Capt. Alain Pierre Eloi, OTD, OTR/L: OT in the United States Air Force
In this episode, we will learn about two occupational therapists who are both Captains in the United States Air Force, Capt. Andrew Antonio, OTR/L, CHT, and Capt. Alain Pierre Eloi, OTD, OTR/L.
Capt. Antonio is an occupational therapist at the Special Warfare Human Performance Squadron, Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M. He leads a multidisciplinary team of military and civilian personnel across six functional areas in support of the sole Pararescue pipeline for six commands. He supports the Human Performance Optimization Program, providing sports medicine consultation to providers, independent medical technicians, athletic trainers and embedded Squadron leadership. He runs the Special Operations Forces-centric Training Squadron Occupational Therapy Clinic, conducting same day evaluations and treatment in support of 138 staff, 135 trainees. He also integrates performance and injury data to optimize training, develops and executes policies with coordination for two Wings and three medical facilities. He is also the Occupational Therapy Career Recruitment Officer responsible for inspiring, engaging, and recruiting diverse, highly qualified occupational therapists to serve as officer candidates to sustain the combat capability of the United States Air Force. Capt. Antonio received his post graduate degree in occupational therapy at the University of St. Augustine in April 2015 and entered the Air Force in April 2017 through direct commission as a distinguished graduate. He also earned a board specialty certification as a Certified Hand Therapist in December 2020. Since then he has held a variety of positions within the medical treatment facility and line operations including directing the first Occupational Therapy/Orthopedics Post-operation Hand Clinic, leading the first KC-10 Pilot Ergonomic Program for the 6 Air Refueling Squadron, and drafting the inaugural Medical Group Instruction for Management of Emergent Suicide Risk Patients as the Group National Patient Safety Chair at Travis, AFB, Calif. He also served as the sole Surgical and Hand Therapy Fellow serving the Greater Philadelphia, Pa. area intra and post-COVID-19 shutdown. Prior to his current position, Capt. Antonio was a Surgical and Hand Therapy Fellow at the Philadelphia Hand to Shoulder Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Capt. Eloi is a native of Montreal, Canada who moved to California to study Occupational Therapy at Loma Linda University. After several years of working in various settings such as outpatient hand, home health, and SNFs, Capt. Eloi made the decision to go back to school in 2018 at Rocky Mountain University, where he obtained his OTD in the hand therapy track. During the pandemic, he made yet another life-changing decision; he decided to commission into the United States Air Force as an active-duty officer. Capt. Eloi is now stationed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base since March 2022 as he currently sees a varied population of active-duty members, family members, and retirees.
Show Key Points:
• Capt. Antonio and Eloi give us a glimpse of their backgrounds and interests
• They describe their Uncommon OT work and whom they serve
• They shared what inspired them to do this work and their paths
• They explain their wide variety of services and benefits
• They provide OT practitioners with valuable career advice
• They provide resources and their contact info
Air Force Occupational Therapy Information
Air Force OT Facebook Page- Give us a LIKE :)
PUBLICATION: “Multidisciplinary Evaluation and Treatment of Necrotizing Fasciitis in a Type 1 Diabetic in a Community Military Hospital,” Journal of Orthopedics for Physician Assistants, April 2001
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
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Angela Provenzano-Tobin, OTD, OTR/L: OT in Kinship Care
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapist who works in kinship care. Angela Provenzano-Tobin, OTR/L, OTD is a recent graduate of The Ohio State University occupational therapy program. She has had her fair share of travels- as she is a Connecticut native and attended Mississippi State University, earning a bachelor’s degree in Educational Psychology with a Spanish minor. She started an online support group for kinship caregivers, Kinship Caregivers Connect, in June of 2020 at the height of the pandemic with the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship. She developed a passion for serving kinship caregivers due to personal and research experiences, seeing an acute need for this often-forgotten population. For Angela’s doctoral capstone project in January, she is partnered with the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center, a translational research center, to design and implement trainings for professionals in the school system to promote a better understanding and support of kinship families within this system. Angela’s support group has reached university-wide and state-wide recognition. She was recently awarded the Jane-Case Smith Outstanding Student Award from the Ohio Occupational Therapy Association, as well as the Engaged Scholars Grant, The Scholarship of Excellence Award, The Legacy Award, and the Hite Family Scholarship. Outside of these accolades, Angela finds continual passion and purpose in supporting such a special population and has embraced the idea of being an Uncommon OT!
Show Key Points:
• Angela gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• She describes her Uncommon OT work and whom she serves
• She describes what inspired her to do this work and her
• She explains her service and how it can benefit others
• She provides OT students and practitioners with valuable career advice
• She provides resources and her contact information
My email:
Twitter: @Kincareconnect
Instagram: @kinshipconnections
Capstone project summary:
Full capstone project presentation:
Ohio Grandparent Kinship Coalition:
Related article: Taylor, M. F., Marquis, R., Batten, R., & Coall, D. (2016). Understanding the mental health travails of custodial grandparents. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 32, 259-280.
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
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Mary Osbourne, OTR/L, PAC: OT in Dementia Care
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapist who works in dementia care. Mary Osbourne, OTR/L, PAC has been an Occupational Therapist and certified positive care approach consultant for 10 years. She founded her consulting company, Your Dementia Therapist which is focused on helping family members and caregivers better care for their loved one who is living with dementia. She teaches family members and caregivers effective approaches, how to address difficult behaviors, and provides personalized activity recommendations.
Show Key Points:
• Mary gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• She describes her Uncommon OT work and whom she serves
• She describes what inspired her to do this work and her path to entrepreneurship
• She explains her service and how it can benefit others
• She provides OT practitioners with valuable career advice
• She provides resources and her contact information
Your Dementia Therapist
IG: @yourdementiatherapist
Facebook: @yourdementiatherapist
TikTok: @yourdementiatherapist
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
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Jaisa Sulit, Laura Burnett & Laya Polowin: OTs in Adaptive Climbing
In this episode, we will be learning from 3 occupational therapists who work in therapeutic climbing. Jaisa Sulit, MsOT, Laura Burnett, MsOT & Laya Polowin, MsOT. With CACS, Canadian Adaptive Climbing Society, they run therapeutic programs that aim to use climbing to address physical, cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of the participant’s rehabilitation journey.
Show Key Points:
• Jaisa, Laura & Laya describes their Uncommon OT work and whom they serve
• They describe what inspired them to do this work and their paths
• They explain their service and how it can benefit others
• They describe a typical session and their payment structure
• They provide OT practitioners with valuable career advice
• They provide their contact information
CACS instagram: @canadian.adaptive.climbing
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
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1 Year Anniversary Gratitude Episode
This special minisode features YOU, my listeners, and friends. I'm often told by you about how I inspire you. Well, the truth is, is that we actually inspire each other, especially through this journey, where we're witnessing occupational therapy practitioners modifying and adapting. Doing what we are particularly good at! Right? To offer our valuable services to uncommon populations in uncommon settings. One year ago, I went with a whim, limited technological capabilities and ran with it. You are the reason I'm still here. You are the reason that this podcast exists. I am encouraged inspired, driven and motivated every single day, by your messages, by your likes, by your comments, and by your support. In turn, that holds me accountable to stand true to my mission of showing you the limitless potential of our amazing profession. Now I'd like to share a few thoughtful words from some of you about how The Uncommon OT Series podcast has impacted you in your OT journey.
Happy Listening Friends!
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
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Arameh Anvarizadeh, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA: OT in Grassroots Organization
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapist in grassroots organization. Dr. Arameh Anvarizadeh, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA, is the director of admissions and associate professor of clinical occupational therapy at the USC Mrs. T.H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. Dr. Anvarizadeh is responsible for developing the holistic admissions process and maintaining effective admissions strategies and procedures within the division. She also oversees each academic program and makes sure the division is filled with high-caliber diverse students. Dr. Anvarizadeh is a founding member and chair of the Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity (COTAD), a nonprofit organization striving to empower occupational therapy leaders to engage in practices that increase diversity, equity, and inclusion for a more transformative occupational therapy profession. She is responsible for developing the COTAD toolkit, the Ignite Series, and COTAD chapters. She tirelessly works to support and establish COTAD chapters at academic programs across the country while empowering students to facilitate dialogue, awareness, and change related to diversity, equity, and inclusion within the profession and beyond. Dr. Anvarizadeh recently made history as the youngest and first African American/Iranian woman to become vice president of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). She is also the youngest woman of color inducted into the prestigious Roster of Fellows (FAOTA). Dr. Anvarizadeh currently holds leadership positions with AOTA as the Credential Review and Accountability Committee (CRAC) chair, a Representative Assembly Leadership Committee (RALC) member, a Governance Task Force member, and the liaison between the Governance and DEI task forces. She was also a member of the AOTA Special Task Force on Entry-Level Education and a crucial contributor to the professional dialogue on the entry-level degree requirements. She is a recent alumna of the 2020 cohort for the Executive Leadership Program for Multicultural Women. Within the Occupational Therapy Association of California (OTAC), Dr. Anvarizadeh serves as an Advocacy and Government Affairs Committee member. She is a recipient of OTAC’s Janice Matsutsuyu Outstanding Service Award and Vision Award. She previously held the position of communications chair for seven years.
Show Key Points:
• Arameh gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• She describes her Uncommon OT work
• She describes what inspired her to do this work and her path
• She explains her mission and how it can benefit others
• She provides OT practitioners with valuable career advice
• She provides resources and her contact information
The Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity
USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Instagram: @drarameh
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
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1 Year Anniversary Bloopers Episode
This special episode kicks off a series of episodes to celebrate our one-year anniversary. The Uncommon OT Series podcast is one-year-old everyone. Can you believe that? I'm just gonna let that sink in for a moment. While I'm still so amazed by how far we've come and by where we are today. And, am really just so grateful for your support throughout this entire year, a year full of collaborating, connecting and building relationships. So I thought to celebrate or to begin or celebration, I thought I would start us off on a funny note and offer you the gift of laughter. Haha! Through a series of clips of bloopers and outtakes just to really show you how far I've come as a podcaster. And to also just really show you how proud I am of our growth of the episodes we've produced and the future episodes that we'll be sharing with you very soon. So from the bottom of my OT heart, I want to thank you so very much for listening. I hope you get a chuckle out of this minisode. I'd like to thank my podcast guests for allowing me to share bits and pieces of their episodes. Not only your amazing OTPs but such great sports too. I hope you got a chuckle or two out of those fumbles and can see how far I've come as a podcaster in the last year. I have some amazing episodes coming to you in the next couple of weeks. I cannot wait for you to listen and to be inspired by them.
Happy Listening Friends!
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
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Maegan Blau, Adaptive Design Consultant & Interior Designer
In this 1st ever friendpisode, you’ll be learning from the personal and professional life of Maegan Blau, a friend to us OTPs. We talk about interior design, accessibility, the ADA, how it all relates to OTPs and so much more. Now based in sunny Arizona, her interior design career started with a personal journey to renovate and adapt her first home to fit accessibility needs while having a high level of style. In 2009 she incurred a C6-C8 spinal cord injury and has been a wheelchair user ever since. She is diagnosed with an incomplete C8 spinal cord injury which has obviously changed the way she lives in the blink of an eye. As a person with a disability, it seemed the majority of options to make homes accessible were straight-up ugly and very hospital-like. It got her thinking…we can do better than this! Combining her perspective of disability with her life-long passion for interior design fueled Maegan to find creative ways to make spaces beautifully accessible. In 2018 she started Blue Copper Design to elevate the world of adaptive design.
Show Key Points:
• Maegan describes her work and whom she serves
• She describes what inspired her to do this work and her path to entrepreneurship
• She explains her service and how it can benefit others
• She shares her views on the ADA and Accessibility
• She provides OT practitioners with valuable career advice
Instagram @bluecopperdesign
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
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Lisa Kern, MS, OTR/L, CBIS, RYT: OT in Reiki & Holistic Healing
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner in Pediatric Nature-Based Entrepreneurship. Laura Park Figueroa, MS, OTR/L is an uncommon OT whose work revolves around her 2 favorite things: Nature & Business! She’s the founder and CEO of Outdoor Kids OT, a nature-based pediatric OT practice, and creator of the ConTiGO Approach- an evidence-based therapy model to empower pediatric therapists of all disciplines to take their work with children outdoors into nature. She is currently working on a PhD, conducting research on nature-based occupational therapy and assists nature based entrepreneurs in her online membership community which can be found at
For 3 years, she hosted the Mind Your OT Business podcast & recently started a new podcast called: “Therapy in the Great Outdoors” – it’s all about the business & practice of nature-based pediatric therapy of all kinds.
She’s been married for 21 years and has 3 children, ages 19, 17, and 11. She is living the dream in Madison, Wisconsin–where she has a trail into 124 acres of woods right at the end of her driveway.
Show Key Points:
• Laura gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• She describes her Uncommon OT work and whom she serves
• She describes what inspired her to do this work and her path to entrepreneurship
• She provides OT practitioners valuable career advice
• She provides resources and her contact information
IG: @lauraparkfig
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
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For Non-Traditional OT Practice Mentorship w/ Patricia:
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