The Uncommon OT Series
Where I feature the unique careers of Occupational Therapy practitioners applying their OT lens in role-emerging and non-traditional practice areas ….settings where OT is uncommon.
Highlighting unique careers of Occupational Therapy practitioners is a fantastic way to showcase the versatility of our profession.
Here are some intriguing examples:
Laura Park Figueroa, MS, OTR/L: OT in Pediatric Nature-Based Entrepreneurship
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner in Pediatric Nature-Based Entrepreneurship. Laura Park Figueroa, MS, OTR/L is an uncommon OT whose work revolves around her 2 favorite things: Nature & Business! She’s the founder and CEO of Outdoor Kids OT, a nature-based pediatric OT practice, and creator of the ConTiGO Approach- an evidence-based therapy model to empower pediatric therapists of all disciplines to take their work with children outdoors into nature. She is currently working on a PhD, conducting research on nature-based occupational therapy and assists nature based entrepreneurs in her online membership community which can be found at
For 3 years, she hosted the Mind Your OT Business podcast & recently started a new podcast called: “Therapy in the Great Outdoors” – it’s all about the business & practice of nature-based pediatric therapy of all kinds.
She’s been married for 21 years and has 3 children, ages 19, 17, and 11. She is living the dream in Madison, Wisconsin–where she has a trail into 124 acres of woods right at the end of her driveway.
Show Key Points:
• Laura gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• She describes her Uncommon OT work and whom she serves
• She describes what inspired her to do this work and her path to entrepreneurship
• She provides OT practitioners valuable career advice
• She provides resources and her contact information
IG: @lauraparkfig
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
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For Non-Traditional OT Practice Mentorship w/ Patricia:
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Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
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Elizabeth DeBlasi, MS, OTR/L: OT in Sustainability through Caregiver Training
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner in Sustainability through Caregiver Training. Elizabeth DeBlasi, MS, OTR/L grew up in New York City and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and dance from Adelphi University. She later received her Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy from Columbia University and has worked as an OT in school and home settings for over 13 years providing therapy for children with special needs. Through these experiences, Liz worked closely with families and has learned the power of collaboration. Her goal is always to foster independence in the children she works with and to empower parents/caregivers to be active members in their child’s therapeutic process. As an adjunct professor at Long Island University for 7 years, Liz gained invaluable experience in educating about sensory processing, behavioral techniques, and the therapeutic process. Some of Liz’ most profound work has been with a non-profit organization to provide sustainable therapy and design training materials for children with disabilities and their caregivers in developing countries.
Show Key Points:
• Liz gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• She describes her Uncommon OT work and whom she serves
• She describes what inspired her to do this work and her path
• She describes a typical session and the skills she addresses
• She provides other OTPs valuable career advice
• She provides resources and contact information
IG: @sensorywise
Therapists Beyond Borders
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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For Non-Traditional OT Practice Mentorship w/ Patricia:
Happy Listening Friends!
Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
Be a Patron to support The Uncommon OT Series Podcast project via Patreon.
Carlyn Neek, OT: OT in Group Coaching
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner in group coaching. Carlyn Neek, is an OT in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and the owner of Balance Works OT. She is passionate about empowering other OTs to rise and live fully in all they do through her ACTivate Vitality online group coaching program for OTs. Carlyn loves to travel with her husband and two teen sons, muck about in the garden or at the pottery wheel and she is most at peace in the mountains.
Show Key Points:
• Carlyn gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• She describes her Uncommon OT work and whom she serves
• She describes what inspired her to do this work and her path
• She describes a typical session and skills she addresses
• She provides other OTPs valuable career advice
• She provides resources and contact information
Email: Carlyn at
Book a FREE Clarity Call with Carlyn
Download the FREE Vitality Guide
Connect on Facebook
Videos to support visionary OTs on YouTube
More details about the ACTivate Vitality Planner
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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Sarah Zera, OTD, OTR/L: OT in Podcasting and more
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner in podcasting and more. Sarah Zera, OTD, OTR/L has been practicing occupational therapy since 2002. She created the Moxie OT Podcast as a place for OTPs, consumers of occupational therapy, and friends of OT to talk about the best evidence in occupational therapy. She seeks to provide evidence-based resources such as research articles, books, and online sources for OT advocates in an effort to increase their moxie. She also specializes in helping people who have had a stroke or brain injury fully participate in their life. She received her B.S. in Occupational Therapy from Eastern Michigan University and her Doctorate of Occupational Therapy from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr. Zera studies how occupational therapists can improve the lives of their clients by helping them get back to the activities they love to do the most. She has helped clients return to shopping, cooking, work, caring for their pets, riding the bus, and more. In her clinical experience, Dr. Zera noted how often clients were discharged from therapy but had not yet returned to the activities they cared about most in life; caring for their children, going to work, playing sports, and all the other activities that bring us purpose and meaning. While working on her Doctorate in Occupational Therapy, she studied evidence-based practices that helped her clients return to their most valued and life-affirming activities. She is currently full-time faculty at Midwestern University’s OT program.
Show Key Points:
• Sarah gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Sarah describes her Uncommon OT work, the settings, and population she serves
• Sarah describes what inspired her to do this work and her path
• Sarah describes a typical session and skills she addresses
• Sarah provides other OTPs valuable career advice
• Sarah provides her resources and contact information
CO-OP Approach website:
COPM website:
My website:
My article:
My podcast:
Facebook: MoxieOT, moxieotpodcast
Instagram: @MoxieOT @moxieotpodcast
Twitter: @OtMooxie @moxieot
EBP resources I have created:
CEU's coming soon!
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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Big OT Love!
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Sarah Larsen, MOTR/L: OT in Home & Life Organization
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner in home & life organization. Sarah Larsen, MOTR/L is the CEO of Balanced Home Organization. She graduated with her master’s degree from Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. Sarah has been working in traditional and non-traditional OT settings for over 19 years, serving children and adults in a variety of settings. She stepped away from traditional OT practice 2 years ago to grow her home organization business so she could provide more client-centered OT services to her clients in their homes.
Show Key Points:
• Sarah gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Sarah describes her Uncommon OT work, the settings, and population she serves
• Sarah describes what drew her to this type of work and her path there
• Sarah describes a typical session
• Sarah dispels some myths about the specialty
• Sarah provides other OTPs valuable career advice
• Sarah provides her course and contact information
Instagram - @balancedhomeorganization_pdx - Facebook - Balanced Home Organization - Website -
Sarah will be launching a home organization course later this spring. Clutter-Free Home: A Step-By-Step Guide to Shift from Feeling Overwhelmed to Organized in 60 Days. There is a VIP email list for those who want early access to the course, exclusive discounts, and an invitation to the virtual launch party.
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests’ own.
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Michael Dezmin, MA, OTR/L: OT in Nature and Adaptive Sports
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner in nature and adaptive sports. Michael Dezmin, MA, OTR/L is an Occupational Therapist in Boston, Massachusetts, and the founder of Your True Self LLC. Mike grew up serving communities via lifeguarding, camp counseling, swim instructing, and other jobs with a child development focus. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Health and Exercise Science, a Minor in Psychology, and a master’s in occupational therapy.
After years of specialization in pediatric Occupational Therapy, Mike seized the opportunity to start a small business focused on empowering children in the aquatic environment. After experiences with many business models and various leadership techniques, he dreamt of creating a system/organization where one’s personal gifts could flourish. The foundations of the organization were based on developing healthy, loving relationships designed to deeply understand families and help individuals achieve their highest potential. Swimming and Aquatic Occupational Therapy were the initial services offered, but the organization now provides a multitude of options for clients (sports, home OT, winter activities, school OT, and more).
Mike designed Your True Self as an organization to foster personal growth for all who work there through healthy relationships, healthy organizational culture (fun, play, adventure), and open-mindedness. Each employee is valued for their unique abilities and embraced for the gifts that they contribute to this world. It is his belief that it is with the strong and supportive relationships within the organization that employees go out into the community to foster healthy relationships with their clients and families.
Show Key Points:
• Mike tells us about his background and interests
• Mike describes what drew him to this type of work and his path
• Mike describes his Uncommon OT work, the settings, and the population he serves
• Mike describes his approach and typical areas of focus in treatment
• Mike discusses money matters
• Mike dispels some myths about the specialty
• Mike provides other OTPs valuable advice
• Mike provides his contact information for collaborations
Instagram: @yourtrueselfot
If anyone in the Boston area is interested in working with us, we are very slowly hiring (OTs, PTs, SLPs, Swim instructors, OT Students, Admin people)! You can reach out through
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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Normanie Ricks, MS, OTR/L: OT in Vision Therapy
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner in vision therapy. Normanie McKenzie Ricks, MS, OTR/L is an Occupational Therapist who has a passion for helping individuals with neurological and vision deficits, particularly those with learning-related vision problems. She is a graduate of The University of Alabama at Birmingham and UCLA. As a proud veteran and Officer in the United States Navy, she provided Occupational Therapy Intervention to service members and their families and addressed neurological issues so that they could return to full duty and fulfilled lives. She is a member of the Lions Club which serves and advocates for the blind and visually impaired through its local and global initiatives She also travels internationally and provides instruction for educators at their schools for the blind and developmentally disabled. Normanie's personal passion for the field hits really close to home. As a third-grader her very own daughter began to have difficulty with reading comprehension, reporting daily headaches, and struggling with standardized assessments. After vision therapy, she now reads above grade level and scored at the ninth-grade level on her writing assessments as a fifth-grader. She continues to excel in her academic endeavors.
Show Key Points:
• Normanie gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Normanie describes her Uncommon OT work, the settings and the population she serves
• Normanie describes what drew her to this type of work and her path there
• Normanie describes typical areas of focus in treatment
• Normanie dispels some myths about the specialty
• Normanie provides other OTPs with valuable advice
• Normanie provides her book and contact information
facebook: @achievevisioncenter
instagram: @achievevisioncenter
Amazon link for book:
Another way to buy the book:
Dr. Mitchell Scheiman, OD, PhD is a nationally known optometric educator, lecturer, author and private practitioner. He is the author of “Understanding and Managing Visual Deficits: A Guide for Occupational Therapists”, and Low Vision Rehabilitation: A Guide for Occupational Therapists” published by Slack Incorporated. Dr. Scheiman has a long and close relationship with occupational therapists. He works closely with occupational and physical therapists in his practice co-managing patients and has lectured to therapists on numerous occasions. He has specialized in vision therapy for the past 45 years. Dr. Scheiman is currently Dean of Research at Salus University. He has written three books for optometrists covering the topics of binocular vision and vision therapy, pediatric optometry, and learning-related vision problems and he has published over 225 articles in the professional literature. He is a Diplomate in Binocular Vision and Perception and a Fellow in the College of Optometrists in Vision Development
Penny Stack, OTD, OTR/L, CLT is the founder of Dyslexia Center of Tulsa and host of the Educate to Advocate podcast. She is the parent of a child with dyslexia who also has demonstrated improved reading capabilities thanks to Dyslexia Center of Tulsa. In the quest to research the best possible services for her own child, she brought the Dyslexia Center of Tulsa to the Tulsa area.
Sports Vision account on IG: @mrmentalmuscle A.K.A Nick Davenport. Nick is the owner of Mind Body 1 where he works on cognitive conditioning and hand-eye coordination for athletes.
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
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Vanessa Yanez, MSOT, OTR/L: OT in Oncology
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner in oncology. Vanessa Monique Yanez, MSOT, OTR/L is an occupational therapist with a specialization in oncology. She is a cancer survivor and an advocate for rehabilitative services across the continuum of cancer care, from prevention to survivorship. She holds a faculty position at the University of St. Augustine and runs a private practice in San Antonio, TX. Vanessa is a frequent presenter at state and national conferences and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. from Texas Woman’s University. She strongly believes that occupational therapy coalesces compassion, research, and a client-centered approach in a unique way that can help cancer survivors not only function but fully participate in a life they deserve. Her clinical and research interests include hematological cancers, stem cell transplants, psychosocial supportive care, sexual functioning, and theory-driven practice in cancer care.
Show Key Points:
• Vanessa gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Vanessa describes her Uncommon OT work, the setting and population she serves
• Vanessa describes what drew her to this type of work and her path there
• Vanessa describes typical goals sessions
• Vanessa dispels some myths about the profession
• Vanessa provides other OTPs valuable advice
• Vanessa provides her contact information
a) Assessment tools at
b) Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Fatigue Scale (FACIT-F)
c) Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Cognitive Function (FACT-Cog):
d) Psychosocial article by Sleight & Duker (2016):
e) Systematic Review of OT and Adult Cancer Rehab (Part I) by Hunter et al. (2017):
f) Systematic Review of OT and Adult Cancer Rehab (Part II) by Hunter et al. (2017):
g) Occupational Therapy Group Intervention in Oncology: A Scoping Review by Udovicich (2020)
h) NCCN Guidelines:
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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Updated List of Uncommon OT Practice Settings
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Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
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La’Shandra “Elle” Holmes-Russell, MSOT, OTR/L, CEIM, CYT: OT in Perinatal Mental Health
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner in perinatal mental health. You will hear from the personal and professional experiences of La'Shandra "Elle" Holmes-Russell, MSOT, OTR/L, CEIM, CYT. Elle is a board-certified and licensed Occupational Therapist practicing in the state of Virginia. She received her Masters of Science Degree in Occupational Therapy from Shenandoah University and her Certificate in Early Intervention from Georgetown University in 2019. She is the owner of Occupational Transitions, LLC, a mobile clinic practice providing the following services in person and virtual via Zoom: occupation-based maternal mental health, lactation/breastfeeding education and counseling, postnatal yoga classes, infant massage classes, and early childhood developmental screenings/early intention therapy.
Elle is passionate about partnering with families in order to collaboratively identify therapeutic interventions that support and strengthen familial bonds and relationships, in order to maximize the mental health and well-being of the mother for optimal childhood developmental outcomes, by taking a holistic approach in supporting the mother to and through the transition of motherhood/parenthood, including the up to one-year postpartum period. For it is Elle's held belief that “relationship is the organizing factor in which all development (physical, social, and emotional) occurs”...and that every family deserves an "exceptionally bright beginning". A belief that continues to guide her professional development and aspirations toward becoming an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and Certified Perinatal Mental Health through PSI.
Show Key Points:
• Elle gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Elle describes her Uncommon OT work, the setting, and population she serves
• Elle describes what drew her to this type of work and her path there
• Elle describes typical sessions and how she is paid
• Elle dispels some myths about the profession
• Elle provides other OTPs advice
• Elle provides her contact information
Occupational Transitions, LLC (Lactation and Breastfeeding Care Management, Infant Massage, Postnatal Yoga, Early Intervention/Developmental Screening for Birth-3)
Local to DC and Northern VA; Virtual and In person appointments
The Mindful Melanated Mother Visual Support Group (Support Group for Mothers who identify as black).
Interest meeting link
Therapy for Black Girls (Directory for women of color to locate a therapist within their are of living)
Postpartum Support International (Various Postpartum Support Groups for ALL women and birthing persons)
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
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Krista Frahm, MOT/L: OT in Copywriting
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner in copywriting. You will hear from the personal and professional experiences of Krista Frahm, MOT/L. Krista is an occupational therapist who’s worked in acute, rehab, home health, and outpatient settings for over 10 years. She is passionate about adult rehab, geriatrics, and aging-in-place. Krista has loved writing and sharing OT knowledge with people, but it took a move to rural WA, homeschooling, and the world turning upside down during 2020 to prompt her to FINALLY take a chance on her dream and start a career in writing. She dove into writing and was earning money within months – nearly matching her clinical income in under 6 months. Creating a remote, non-clinical career has provided income stability, schedule flexibility, and allowed her to homeschool the kids and reduce the time/income burdens on her husband. She leverages her OT experience and knowledge to write websites, emails, blogs, sales pages, and more for therapists and other life-impacting companies. Her favorite companies to write for are companies that improve lives, increase dignity, and restore function for people everywhere.
Show Key Points:
• Krista gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Krista describes her Uncommon OT work, the setting, and whom she serves
• Krista describes what drew her to this type of work and her path there
• Krista describes typical clients and rates
• Krista dispels some myths about the profession
• Krista discusses how OTs can follow their passion for writing
• Krista provides her contact information
IG: KristaFrahmAgency
Articles about copywriting on my Blog:
If you're interested in becoming a copywriter, let me know via IG, FB, or the contact form on my website!
If you're curious how copywriting can help your business attract ideal clients and increase your sales, schedule a Discovery Call HERE. (
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
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Rhiannon Crispe, OT: OT in Entrepreneurship
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner in entrepreneurship. You will hear from the personal and professional experiences of Rhiannon Crispe, OT. Rhiannon has been an occupational therapist for 13 years in Australia. She has her own mobile paediatric practice and is an online course creator providing professional development for inspired OTs. Rhiannon is fiercely passionate about the potential of occupational therapy and raising the profile of the profession. Rhiannon is the founder of The OT Lifestyle Movement and host of The OT Lifestyle Movement podcast where she empowers OT's to do work that matters, to work from a holistic lens, and to support OT entrepreneurs who have a vision of creating impact beyond 1:1 therapy and creating an online business.
Show Key Points:
• Rhiannon gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Rhiannon describes her Uncommon OT work, the setting, and whom she serves
• Rhiannon describes what drew her to this type of work and how she got there
• Rhiannon describes typical goals and sessions
• Rhiannon dispels some myths about the profession
• Rhiannon discusses how she supports OTs to follow their passion
• Rhiannon provides her course and contact information
IG: @rhiannoncrispe
FB: The OT Lifestyle Movement
Leaders of Light Course and Coaching program:
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
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Lauren Sheehan, OTD, OTR/L: OT in Technology
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner working with justice-involved individuals. You will hear from the personal and professional experiences of Lauren Sheehan, OTD, OTR/L: OT in Technology. Lauren is the current Director of Product with Neurolutions, Inc. and has been in industry roles for the last four years. Lauren has held clinical roles in outpatient neuro-rehabilitation for over a decade as well as administrative roles in clinic management. She is the chair-elect for the Technology Networking Group of the American Congress of Rehab Medicine and founding co-chair of the Clinical Managers Task Force, supporting clinicians in industry roles in rehabilitation medicine. Lauren is the former Productive Aging Special Interest Section Technology Coordinator for the American Occupational Therapy Association. She has recently served as an Adjunct Faculty Member at Samuel Merritt University in Oakland, CA as well as other OT programs throughout her career. Lauren is the co-founder of the Rehab Tech Summit, an online conference, and community that aims to bring together industry professionals and rehabilitation clinicians, researchers, and entrepreneurs to share information and ideas in the rehabilitation technology space. She has a consultancy, Beyond the Clinic, which aims to support clinicians in their transition to non-clinical roles, specifically in the technology field, as well as companies as they explore the fit of their products in the rehabilitation market. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her son and partner, eating her way through travels around the world, singing karaoke, and enjoying time with family.
Show Key Points:
• Lauren gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Lauren describes her Uncommon OT work, the setting and population she serves
• Lauren describes what drew her to this type of work and how she got there
• Lauren describes typical goals and sessions
• Lauren dispels some myths about the profession
• Lauren discusses how OTs can branch into this specialty
• Lauren provides her course and contact information
Rehab Tech Summit
Beyond The Clinic
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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Happy Listening Everyone!
Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
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Ariana Gonzalez, OTD, OTR/L, CTP: OT with Justice-Involved Individuals
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner working with justice-involved individuals. You will hear from the personal and professional experiences of Ariana Gonzalez, OTD, OTR/L, CTP. Ariana is the occupational therapist, executive director, and founder of LAITR, LLC (Life After Incarceration: Transition and Reentry). She works solely with justice-involved individuals reentering the community post-incarceration. Dr. Gonzalez is Michigan-based although this work originated in St. Louis, Missouri. Ariana mentors and supervises level II fieldwork and DEC OT students, teaching them how to work with this population. Ariana also has experience working with program development for people experiencing homelessness and supervising the students in the clinic in St. Louis. Ariana has worked in various settings with her heart always bringing her back to working with underserved populations and fighting systems barriers.
Show Key Points:
• Ariana gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Ariana describes her Uncommon OT work, the setting, and population she serves
• Ariana describes what drew her to this type of work and how she got there
• Ariana describes typical sessions
• Ariana dispels some myths about the profession
• Ariana discusses how OTs can branch into this specialty
• Ariana provides her contact information
Life After Incarceration Transition and Re-Entry, LLC
Life Skills Workbook:
Interest profiler on ONET:
Slightly Burnt Toast:
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
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Amy J Lamb, OTD, OT/L, FAOTA: OT in Executive Coaching
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner in executive coaching. You will hear from the personal and professional experiences of Amy J. Lamb, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA. Dr. Lamb is the founder of Meraki &Me, owner of AJLamb Consulting, LLC and an Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy at Eastern Michigan University. She is the immediate Past-President of the American Occupational Therapy Association serving in that role from 2016-2019. She has previously served the American Occupational Therapy Association on its Board of Directors as its President-Elect from 2015-2016 and Vice President from 2012-2015. Dr. Lamb is a past chair of the American Occupational Therapy Political Action Committee (AOTPAC) from 2006-2012. She brings with her the valuable combination of clinical practice as a licensed occupational therapist combined with health care policy experience at the state and federal levels. Dr. Lamb’s expertise includes health policy, advocacy, prevention and wellness, leadership development, organizational change, managing professional burnout and professional wellbeing, and occupational therapy as a career.
Dr. Lamb received both her Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy and her post professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy from Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. Her policy experience began in the Minnesota House of Representatives working with the Health Policy committee. From there she went on to be employed by the Nebraska Occupational Therapy Association as their registered lobbyist from 2000-2008.
Dr. Lamb’s clinical expertise spans from private practice, school-based pediatrics, acute care, home health, hospice, older adults and management.
In 2011, she received the AOTA Lindy Boggs advocacy award for her leadership in advocacy and political action in the profession of occupational therapy. In 2012, Dr. Lamb was selected to join the American Occupational Therapy Association Roster of Fellows. Dr. Lamb was the 2014 recipient of the Eastern Michigan University College of Health and Human Services Everett L. Marshall Fellow Award for Excellence in Service.
In her volunteer leadership positions, Dr. Lamb is part of the team that helps occupational therapy professionals understand AOTA’s policy and quality agenda’s. She is integral in articulating the distinct value of occupational therapy in traditional and emerging areas of practice including primary health care and wellness initiatives. She speaks regularly to groups on health policy issues impacting practice emphasizing quality services for beneficiaries and provides participants with practical ways to get involved in the process and make their voices heard. Dr. Lamb works to help practitioners, students, educators and researchers identify their role as influencers of change in their daily work as we demonstrate the value of occupational therapy to enhancing the efficiency of systems we work within, enhancing the quality of care client’s receive, and being a cost effective solution to meet the dynamic needs of the people, populations and communities we serve.
Dr. Lamb currently resides outside of Dexter, Michigan with her husband Nathan and their two emerging adult children Gabby (19) and Josh (17). She strives to learn new things every day and enjoys running, yoga, reading and mindfulness.
Show Key Points:
• Amy gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Amy describes her Uncommon OT work, the setting, and population she serves
• Amy describes what drew her to this type of work and how she got there
• Amy describes typical goals and sessions
• Amy dispels some myths about the profession
• Amy discusses how OTs can branch into Coaching
• Amy provides her contact information
Clifton Strengths
Gallup Organization
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
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Arnel Calvario, OTD, OTR/L: OT in School-Based & Community Dance Programs
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner working in school-based & community dance programs. You will hear from the personal and professional experiences of Arnel Calvario, OTD, OTR/L. Believing in using his talents & resources to promote community outreach, “respect for all people,” artistic expression, and education, Dr. Arnel Calvario has dedicated himself to the dance community since his college days. In 1992, he founded UC Irvine’s own Kaba Modern. He currently serves as the Board President of Culture Shock International and as an active member of the KINJAZ. He managed Kaba Modern, Fanny Pak, the Beat Freaks, & Kinjaz during their runs on MTV’s hit show America’s Best Dance Crew. Arnel also helped manage Kinjaz during their 2017 run on NBC’s World of Dance. He also launched his “Dance Therapy Program for Neurodivergent Children” in April 2014 in collaboration with Culture Shock LA & the DEA. Arnel has been a guest lecturer at UC Irvine, USC, Grossmont College, Cal State Fullerton, UCLA, Cornell University, & Princeton University. He also continues to teach his ROOTS B4 BRANCHES dance workshop and his international virtual program LEADERSHIP TOOLS for the DANCE LEADER, judge dance competitions, speak on discussion panels & participate in program development & leadership mentorship internationally. He is also the United States judge for the annual Hip Hop International (HHI) Dance Championships and is the Co-Coordinator for the annual HHI World Battles. He does all this while continuing to work as a full-time Doctor of Occupational Therapy for Long Beach Unified School District Related Services.
Show Key Points:
• Arnel gives us a glimpse of his background and interests
• Arnel describes The Uncommon OT work that he does, the setting and population he serves
• Arnel describes what drew her to this type of work and how she got there
• Arnel describes a typical session on the job
• Arnel dispels some myths about the profession
• Arnel discusses how OTs can branch into Creative Arts Programs
• Arnel provides his contact information
Instagram: @kabamodern
Instagram: @CultureShockLA
Instagram: @Kinjaz
Children's Hospital LA
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
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Kirsten Beshay, OTD, MA, OTR/L, CIEE, CEAS I & III: OT in Ergonomics
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner working in ergonomics. You will hear from the personal and professional experiences of Kirsten Beshay, OTD, MA, OTR/L, CIEE, CEAS I & III. Kirsten is an OT with 5 years of experience as a contractor for the Global Google Ergonomics Team. She loves introducing OT practitioners to the best-kept secret of the therapy world! Kirsten completed her OTD at Boston University, where she designed her flagship course, "Ergonomics for OT Practitioners". She has also worked in healthcare and school settings as an occupational therapist, where ergonomic principles are ever present. Kirsten enjoys speaking at conferences and on podcasts to introduce ergonomics to more practitioners.
Show Key Points:
• Kirsten gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Kirsten describes The Uncommon OT work that she does, the setting and population she serves
• Kirsten describes what drew her to this type of work and how she got there
• Kirsten describes a typical day on the job
• Kirsten dispels some myths about the profession
• Kirsten discusses how OTs can branch into Ergonomics
• Kirsten provides her contact information on how she can best be reached
REBA assessment
RULA assessment
Fisher, T. F. (2019). Occupational therapy’s work and industry area of practice: Content in entry-level professional occupational therapy curricula: A survey. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 7(4), 1-10.
Instagram: @thriveergonomics
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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Updated List of Uncommon OT Practice Settings
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All views are mine and guests own.
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Maria Banks, OTD, OTR/L: OT in Maternal Health & Fitness
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner working in maternal health and fitness. You will hear from the personal and professional experiences of Maria Banks, OTD, OTR/L. Maria is the owner of The Health Mamas; a company she started to help pregnant and postnatal women safely meet their health and fitness goals. Maria is a Doctor of Occupational Therapy with over 10 year’s experience helping adults achieve their functional goals and a Certified Pre and Post Natal Fitness Specialist certified by AFPA. Maria is also a mom of one, recently giving birth to her healthy baby boy.
Maria combines her background as an Occupational Therapist and a Pre and Post Natal Fitness Specialist to provide a holistic approach to help new and expectant moms meet their health and fitness goals. She provides a variety of services, including health coaching, nutrition support, personal training, and group fitness classes to help women physically, mentally, and emotionally along their maternal health journey.
Maria has always been interested in fitness and maintained a strong fitness regimen. During her pregnancy, she took the necessary steps to maintain a strong health regimen and felt inspired to help other women through their journey. She became the resource that she wish she had during her pregnancy and postpartum journey. She strives to empower women and build a community of women who want to take charge of their maternal health.
Show Key Points:
• Maria gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Maria describes The Uncommon OT work that she does, the setting and population serves
• Maria describes what drew her to this type of work and how she got there
• Maria describes a typical day on the job
• Maria discusses salary, compensation, and career advice for interested listeners
• Maria dispels some myths about the profession
• Maria provides her contact information on how she can best be reached
Benefits of Fitness on Maternal Health:
Clapp, J.F., 2000, "Exercise during pregnancy: A clinical update" Clinical Sports Medicine
Domenjoz, I., B. Kayser, and M. Boulvain. 2014. "Effect of physical activity during pregnancy on mode of delivery." American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Perales, M.L., Calabria, C. Lopez, E. Franco, J. Coteron, and R. Barakat. 2015. "Regular Exercise Throughout Pregnancy is Associated With Short First Stage of Labor." American Journal of Health Promotion
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all your OTP friends and colleagues!
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Kate Burke, OTR/L: OT in Emerging Practice Fieldwork Placement
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner working in an emerging practice fieldwork placement. You will hear from the personal and professional experiences of Kate Burke, OTR/L. Kate graduated with a BS in Occupational Therapy from Worcester State University and a Certificate of Gerontology Studies from the Colleges of the Worcester Consortium in 1998. She has worked in skilled nursing and acute rehabilitation for the past 20 years. Currently, she works as an Occupational Therapist on an acute rehab unit, serves as an adjunct faculty member at Bristol Community College, and frequently supervises fieldwork students. Kate is currently enrolled in the post-professional OTD program at the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences and is eagerly anticipating graduation in December of this year. As part of her Capstone project, Kate is completing a research study about emerging-practice fieldwork. It is her belief that occupational therapy should play a larger role in addressing social determinants of health, and that emerging-practice fieldwork is means of expanding the role of occupational therapy in community-based wellness. Outside of her work roles, Kate is mom to two teenagers, an avid reader and crafter, a rookie gardener, and a lover of naps!
Show Key Points:
• Kate gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Kate describes The Uncommon OT work that she does, the setting and population serves
• Kate describes what drew her to this type of work and how she got there
• Kate describes a typical day on the job
• Kate discusses salary, compensation, and career advice for interested listeners
• Kate dispels some myths about the profession
• Kate provides her contact information on how she can best be reached
Emerging-Practice Fieldwork Capstone:
As always, I welcome any feedback & ideas from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
THANK YOU for LISTENING, FOLLOWING, DOWNLOADING, RATING, REVIEWING & SHARING “The Uncommon OT Series” Podcast with all of your OTP friends and colleagues!
Full Episodes and Q & A only available at:
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Clarice Grote, MS, OTR/L: OT in Policy & Advocacy
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner working in Policy & Advocacy. You will hear from the personal and professional experiences of Clarice Grote, MS, OTR/L. Clarice is the founder of Amplify OT and an occupational therapist with experience in acute care, outpatient, lymphedema, and home health. Clarice has served as the Missouri Occupational Therapy Association’s Director of Practice (‘19-’21), AOTA’s Home and Community Health Special Interest Section Advocacy and Policy Coordinator (‘18-’21) and currently serves as an American Occupational Therapy Political Action Committee (AOTPAC) Ambassador. Clarice is an accomplished speaker and author on Medicare policy, value-based care, and advocacy.
Show Key Points:
• Clarice gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Clarice describes The Uncommon OT work that she does, the setting and population serves
• Clarice describes what drew her to this type of work and how she got there
• Clarice describes a typical day on the job
• Clarice discusses salary, compensation, and career advice for interested listeners
• Clarice dispels some myths about the profession
• Clarice provides her contact information on how she can best be reached
Amy, Vicky, and Andy Child Pornography Victim Assistance Act:
My Pain Management article as a student: - they can sign up for my newsletter on my home page
As always, I welcome any feedback from all of you or if you are interested in being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
We hope you will continue to LISTEN, FOLLOW, DOWNLOAD, REVIEW & SHARE The Uncommon OT Series Podcast with all your friends and colleagues!
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Big OT Love!
All views are mine and guests own.
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Naomi Aaronson, MA, OTR/L, CET, CPI: OT in Academia and Much More
In this episode, we will be learning about an occupational therapy practitioner who works in Academia and So Much More. You will hear from the personal and professional experiences of Naomi Aaronson, MA OTR/L CET. Naomi has been an occupational therapist for over 31 years. Presently, she teaches in an OTA program and writes continuing education courses. Previously, she worked in many different settings and with varied populations from children to adults specializing in hand therapy and breast cancer. In addition, Naomi is a retired CHT and still uses Pilates in her work with cancer survivors. As co-author of the book Pilates for Breast Cancer Survivors: A Guide to Recovery, Healing, and Wellness, Naomi has sought to bring the Pilates principles as well as occupational therapy insights to the breast cancer population. Joseph Pilates stated, “change happens through movement, and movement heals.” Another gem that Pilates stated was, “ It's the mind that shapes the body.” Naomi believes that as occupational therapists we can be wonderful role models for our patients to live happier, healthier, and more productive lives.
Show Key Points:
• Naomi gives us a glimpse of her background and interests
• Naomi describes The Uncommon OT work that she does, the setting and population serves
• Naomi describes what drew her to this type of work and how she got there
• Naomi describes a typical day on the job
• Naomi dispels some myths about the profession
• Naomi provides her contact information on how she can best be reached
Her Book, written for OTs:
This is not her 1st podcast: This one is focused on her Breast Cancer work
As always, I welcome any feedback from all of you or if you are interested on being a guest on future episodes, please do not hesitate to contact Patricia Motus at or DM via Instagram @transitionsot
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The Uncommon OT Series Podcast with all your friends and colleagues!
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